I Didn't Know She Had Lupus!!

Mercedes Yvette Scelba-Shorte of the second season of America's Next Top Model has lupus.  The 29 year old from New Jersey revealed that she had lupus on ANTM. Now working as a model and actress, Mercedes uses her celebrity to spread lupus awareness.  She was featured twice on the cover of the Lupus Foundation of America's Lupus Now Magazine.  She is a avid spokesperson and advocate of lupus.  
I remember watching the ANTM episode where she revealed that she had lupus.  I felt so sorry for her, but I didn't know much about the illness.  And that next year (2005) I was diagnosed.  Well, I am happy to see that she is thriving as a young talent, and is doing what she can for our cause.  She should be an inspiration to us all.  We can still achieve our dreams even with lupus weighing us down!! You are much more powerful than your illness, never forget that.

With Love,

World Health Day

Today is World Health Day!! What is World Health Day?

"World Health Day is celebrated on 7 April to mark the founding of WHO. Each year, the Organization selects a key health issue, and encourages people from all ages and all backgrounds to hold events that highlight the significance of this issue for good health and well-being. World Health Day provides a unique opportunity for communities from across the world to come together for one day to promote actions that can improve our health." ~World Health Organization 

This year's issue is Antimicrobial resistance. 

April & March Awareness

☂ National Donate Life Month
☂ National Autism Awareness Month
☂ National Minority Health Month
☂ Alcohol Awareness Month
☂ World Health Day (7)
☂ World Meningitis Day (24)
☂ National Infant Immunization Week (23-30)

☁ National Nutrition Month
☁ National Endometriosis Awareness Month
☁ Save Your Vision Month
☁ National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

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