In 2007, I lived in Paris, France for 4 whole months. It was an absolutely wonderful experience. One aspect of this experience was a special blessing. My health was GREAT!! While in Paris I did not have all of the aches and pains that I deal with on a daily basis here in the US. Why? Well I think that all the walking and good food had something to do with it. I had to walk everywhere and use the Metro for transportation. I walked all day and all night. But it felt great. Once I walked all the way from my apartment (near Gare de Lyon) to Le Louvre. I don't know how I did it, but I DID. Not on purpose, I got lost coming from the Picasso Museum...anyhoo. It was very rare for me to get turned around, but I did, silly me. On to the Food. Not only does it taste great; the French have very strict regulations on the quality of food that they can sell. They aren't allowed to use all those additives and chemicals (even in their fast food) that the Americans do. So the food is more healthy, AND tastes amazing Mmmmm!!
With Love ღ
Search for paris
Interesting Simmi. I have always wondered how people's quality of life with Lupus in other countries was like. Living in a place with better health regulations really makes a difference! Americans live such an unhealthy lifestyle yet we are so patriotic that we don't realize how much healthier other countries are compared to us...
U are so right. So if I disappear for a while then u know where I am!!!
If you disappear, kindly inform this girl living in Chicago please and thank you! Sounds wonderful!
Sure thing Nik, I'll definitely keep you in the loop!!
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