September Awareness

This month is:
❂ Childhood Cancer Month
❂ Fruits and Veggies - More Matters Month
❂ Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month
❂ National Sickle Cell Month
❂ National Infant Mortality Awareness Month
❂ National Cholesterol Education Month
❂ National Yoga Awareness Month
❂ National Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
❂ Reye's Syndrome Awareness Month
❂ National Rehabilitation Awareness Week (19-25)
❂ World Alzheimer's Day (21)
❂ Family Health and Fitness Day USA (25)
❂ National Women's Health and Fitness Day (29)
❂ World Heart Day (30)

Stay aware of what is going on and educate yourself!!  


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